Quality Control Certified Contract Manufacturers of Botanicals
Quality Control Certified, What does that really mean for a Contract Manufacturer of Private Label Supplements.
Ever feel overwhelmed by the number of supplements available in the aisle of your local Pharmacy or health foods store? Ever wonder what all the different certification labels mean on the bottles? For a retail supplement provider looking to contract with a private label supplement manufacturer, understanding the different types of certification can be critical to your end user.
A great first step is to actually understand the science and quality control that goes into the highest echelon of supplement manufacturing. Probably the best entry point to your research is learning about the certifications you’ll find on the labels from supplement manufacturers like US-based Beehive Botanicals in Wisconsin. These premiere manufacturers have taken the time, effort, and expense to make sure everything they produce is certified organic and kosher while also operating under strict guidelines of Good Manufacturing Practice. They provide in-house quality control labs, a team of quality control trained technicians, and certified manufacturing spaces and processes audited by NSF International. But what exactly does all the mean?
Certified Organic
Farmers markets, CSAs, Farm to table – phrases and acronyms like these have moved from relative obscurity to common vernacular in recent years. The last decade has seen an explosion in consumer interest for these sorts of locally sourced, homegrown food options and ingredients. With this growing interest has also come a push for organic foods and supplements. But while the average consumer is buying “organic,” it’s not as common for them to actually understand what that means. Becoming an organic certified farm or manufacturing plant requires a lengthy evaluation process. An auditor checks your facilities and grounds to make sure you meet the specific standards:
Crops or ingredients used cannot be grown with synthetic fertilizers, synthetic pesticides, or sewage sludge
Crops or ingredients cannot be genetically engineered or irradiated
For animal based products, the animals must consume only organically grown feed that has not been treated with synthetic hormones or antibiotics and which does not contain animal byproducts
For animal based products, animals must have access to the outdoors and must have access to pasture if they are ruminants
For a supplement manufacturer – this means that every single tiny element or ingredient that might go into the manufacturing of a supplement must be compliant with these standards. That’s a lot of work! But it’s necessary to create supplements that are truly healthy and beneficial for those who take them. For those keeping score at home – if a supplement is not labeled as certified organic that means there’s a chance it was created from crops grown with “sewage sludge” as a fertilizer. Maybe there should be a certified gross label we could put on those items.
Certified Kosher
While the push for organic has taken place in the last few decades – Kosher is a term that’s been around a bit longer. As in biblical times. While the rules and laws regarding Kosher Food are pretty detailed and lengthy, the basic tenants (as laid out in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 17) are to abstain from consuming specific animals, fowl, and fish (like pork, owl, and catfish), most insects, and any shellfish or reptile. Additionally, meats that are kosher must be slaughtered in a prescribed manor and cannot be manufactured together with dairy products.
Now, avoiding eating insects is a goal most of us strive for (and hopefully succeed at) in our daily life. But when you’re running a manufacturing plant and need to make sure no accidental insects end up in your product? That’s a goal that takes a lot of effort and expense. If a Rabbinic coordinator has designated a plant or farm as Kosher certified you can rest assured that, even if you don’t keep Kosher yourself, the supplement you’re taking has been sourced and created with intentional care and effort and is comprised of elements you should feel comfortable consuming.
No, that’s not a typo, it’s two acronyms smooshed together. NSF stands for the National Sanitation Foundation. Founded back in 1944 the NSF is a non-profit aimed at creating standards for food safety and sanitation to promote public health. One of the ways in which they do that is by registering companies as being Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certified. When you see a supplement with a GMP certified label – you know it was created in an FDA certified facility. So you can rest assured the supplements are prepared, manufactured, and properly stored in methods meeting the highest quality standards.
Savvy Supplements
With this understanding of the certification options available to supplement manufacturers – your search for the right supplement at the pharmacy, or your search for the right supplement manufacturer, becomes much easier. Of course you want to choose a product that comes from a plant certified as Organic, Kosher, and GMP compliant! Boutique manufacturers like Beehive Botanicals in Hayward Wisconsin have the quality assurance standards in place and the decades of experience to meet all of these certifications and more. Specializing in small batch and full run manufacturing, bottling, liquid filling, powder filling and capsule manufacturing Beehive Botanicals is positioned to provide the quality your savvy customers will demand.
It’s important for your customers to trust the quality control of the supplements they are purchasing. And this trust is built on the knowledge that the extra care put into the manufacturing process means the highest quality product coming out. But beyond their products having all the certifications you should want on their labels – Beehive Botanicals is unique in the industry of contract manufacturing of nutritional supplements for their ability to accommodate smaller runs and prototype batches in their cGMP complaint and FDA registered facility. In the era of tightening budgets and cost controls, this is especially appealing to smaller retailers.
Choose Beehive Botanicals
Beehive Botanicals manufacturing provides custom contract manufacturing of botanicals and nutritional supplements in the United States in Hayward, WI. They also specialize in prototype and small batch manufacturing in addition to capsule manufacturing, liquid filling, bottling, and powder filling.
Since their founding in 1972, Beehive Botanicals has been committed to giving their customers the highest quality USA-based custom contract manufacturing of supplements and botanicals possible. They do this by providing years of formulation expertise, working with reputable 3rd party laboratories, a fully compliant Kosher, Organic, and NSF GMP certified manufacturing facility and a team of well-trained quality control technicians and manufacturing personnel. Beehive Botanicals uses advanced technology and manufacturing processes to deliver their customers quality products without delays and interruptions. Now is the time to shift your supply chain from global to local. To start the process of bringing your nutritional supplement or botanical idea to market use their easy online quote form at the website beehivebotanicals.net or call them directly at 800-233-4483.